These crystals may show on laboratory testing.Įnrofloxacin is toxic when used by humans. Additionally, enrofloxacin use can cause crystals to develop in urine.

For this reason, the medication should not be used in puppies less than 8 months of age unless absolutely necessary. Joint damage can occur in immature dogs undergoing treatment with enrofloxacin. Other side effects are less common and may include loss of appetite, lethargy, convulsions, cataracts (with long-term use), and seizures (in pets with existing CNS disorders). Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur at roughly ten times the recommended dose, which is sometimes needed to treat ear infections. Side effects are not typically associated with enrofloxacin, unless the dose used is high.
Enrofloxacin is most often used to combat skin and ear infections in dogs and cats, and respiratory and urinary infections in dogs.Įnrofloxacin works by deactivating the bacterial enzymes needed for DNA transcription and is effective against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It is used to treat difficult infections, including those caused by Pseudomonas and Staphylococci. On very rare occasions, ananimal may experience a seizure, while younger animals may experience swollenjoints, general lethargy and in some cases, cartilage damage when dosed above the recommended range and below the recommended age.Enrofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic for use in dogs and cats. This medication may cause some animal patients to experience certain side effects, generally diarrhea or loose stools. Disclosing the existing drug regimen of your pet is essential in order to prevent a possible drug interaction. When given to animals, avoid giving with dairy products (such as cheese, cream cheese, or yogurt) because the calcium can bind to the drug, limiting its effectiveness. Common culprits include iron supplements,antacids and stomach protectants. This medication should not be administered to an animal with a known allergy orhypersensitivity to it or other medications in the same class (marbofloxacin,ciprofloxacin, etc).Įnrofloxac in may interact with one or more medications.

Doses may also need to bead justed for patients with severe kidney or liver impairment. It should be used with caution in veterinary patients prone to seizures. However, it should not bead ministered to puppies aged 28 weeks or younger. Enrofloxacin is only available with aprescription.Įnrofloxacin is generallysafe and effective for use in veterinary medicine. Formulations includeoral tablet, capsule, suspension, transdermal gel, topical cream or ointment,otic solution or injectable solution. This drug is commonly used totreat a range of bacterial infections, including those of the skin, urinary tract and respiratory system, as well as infections that result from wounds.Įnrofloxac in is available under the brand name Baytril, in addition to a variety of generic formulationsthat can be compounded by a qualified veterinary pharmacy. This drug belongs to a class of antibiotics known asfluoroquinolones and is not effective against infections caused by viruses,fungi or parasites.Įnrofloxacin works by inhibiting the process of DNA synthesis within the bacterial cells, which results in cell death. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic used in veterinary medicine to treat animals afflicted with certain bacterialinfections.